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What is an Accredited Investor?

What is an Accredited Investor?

If you are dabbling in the world of new finance, you have likely noticed that participation in many ICOs or bitcoin EFTs is limited to accredited investors. What does that term mean, and how does it apply in the world of new finance? Accredited Investors in Mainstream Finance In traditional […]

Cashaa ICO: Evaluation and Analysis

Cashaa ICO: Evaluation and Analysis

The Quick Pitch Cashaa is a next-generation, blockchain-based platform that aims to provide many of the financial services offered by banks, allowing users to send, receive, lend, borrow, and trade money without having to go through a more traditional financial institution, which could be slow, expensive, and complex. The Cashaa […]

Pixelated Bitcoin symbol made from cubes, mosaic pattern

What a Trump Impeachment Could Mean for Bitcoin

As Robert Mueller’s investigation rapidly moves closer to the heart of the White House, the price of bitcoin is rapidly moving upward. Is there a correlation? It’s a well-established idea that people will move to safe haven financial assets in times of political uncertainty. For American investors, it’s hard to […]

Wireline ICO: Evaluation and Analysis

Wireline ICO: Evaluation and Analysis

The Quick Pitch Imagine server apps which install in one click from the App Exchange. Now imagine infinite scale, no servers to manage, no operating system, and no excess capacity. You have imagined Wireline, the end-to-end platform for the microservice cloud. Wireline is developing the “definitive package manager for the […]

What Is a Smart Contract?

What Is a Smart Contract?

One of the most talked about innovations that blockchain technology has brought to the table is so-called smart contracts. The Ethereum project was the first to introduce blockchain-based smart contracts that are able to automatically pay out digital currency when certain conditions are met. Today, there is a range of […]

LockChain ICO: Evaluation and Analysis

LockChain ICO: Evaluation and Analysis

The Quick Pitch Founders of LockChain aim to design and build a decentralized open source bookings system for renting hotel rooms, private properties, or accommodation. LockChain, based in Sofia, Bulgaria, says its platform will allow customers and property owners to deal with each other without any fee or commission. LockChain […]

How Important Are Advisors to ICOs?

How Important Are Advisors to ICOs?

“They that will not be counseled cannot be helped. If you do not hear reason, she will rap you on the knuckles.”–Benjamin Franklin One of the best actions any entrepreneur can take is to recognize areas where his or her expertise is lagging and find others who are willing to […]

Covesting ICO: Evaluation and Analysis

Covesting ICO: Evaluation and Analysis

The Quick Pitch Covesting is a copy trading platform built for investors and cryptocurrency traders. Covesting allows its users to search and compare the trading performance of hundreds of proven digital asset managers and copy their trades automatically. While asset managers benefit from additional income generated by profitable trading, investors […]

Protos ICO: Evaluation and Analysis

Protos ICO: Evaluation and Analysis

The Quick Pitch Protos Cryptocurrency Asset Management is holding an initial coin offering (ICO) to raise funds for a data-driven hedge fund that will invest exclusively in digital assets and their derivatives. The Protos website asserts that the digital currency market is both competitive and undergoing rapid change, and creating […]

Blockstack ICO: Evaluation and Analysis

Blockstack ICO: Evaluation and Analysis

The Quick Pitch Blockstack is a network for decentralized applications. This platform leverages a serverless architecture, which helps remove critical points of vulnerability. By eliminating these weak points, which have frequently fallen victim to hacks, Blockstack makes user data more secure. Further, this particular network gives individual users greater control […]

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