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Will Your Token Be Listed on an Exchange?

Will Your Token Be Listed on an Exchange?

Some ICO whitepapers mention plans to list their digital tokens on exchanges, but why is this important? Whether these tokens get listed – and where – is very important to investors because it can have a huge impact on the digital currency’s price. If a digital token gets listed on […]

3 Bitcoin Predictions for 2018

3 Bitcoin Predictions for 2018

“Where is bitcoin headed?” is the question everyone asked me most often over the holidays, followed by, “Sir, would you please stop dancing on the table?” I would be wary of anyone who tells you they know what the price of bitcoin will be at the end of the day, […]

Step-by-Step Telegram Tutorial for the ICO Investor

Step-by-Step Telegram Tutorial for the ICO Investor

Those that seek to invest in initial coin offerings (ICOs) are at a disadvantage. While investors in traditional investment vehicles can turn on Bloomberg TV or CNBC, pick up a copy of the Wall Street Journal, or look at the SEC’s filings online to get needed vetting information, those looking […]

Are ICO Tokens Securities?

Are ICO Tokens Securities?

Are tokens distributed through initial coin offerings (ICOs) securities? The answer to this question could be very important to investors, as securities must conform to specific registration and disclosure requirements under U.S. law. Unfortunately, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has failed to provide straightforward input on the matter, […]

How Token Liquidity Affects Your ICO Post-Sale ROI

How Token Liquidity Affects Your ICO Post-Sale ROI

There is a liquidity crisis in the crypto markets. Many cryptocurrencies trade with low volume and dramatic swings in price. This volatility can be traced to a lack of liquidity and an imbalance of buyers and sellers. What Is Liquidity? Liquidity is the ability to convert something into cash quickly. […]

What Percentage of ICOs Fail?

What Percentage of ICOs Fail?

Initial coin offerings (ICOs) have exploded in popularity, raising more than $4 billion in 2017 alone. While these digital token sales have helped fund innovative ventures and novel digital currencies, the majority of these offerings seem to have failed. A large number of them either did not hit their funding […]

Ether vs. Ethereum: What Is the Difference?

Ether vs. Ethereum: What Is the Difference?

Ethereum is a blockchain platform and Ether is the token that powers the network built on that platform. The novelist L.M. Montgomery once wrote, “It’s dreadful what little things lead people to misunderstand each other.” In the altcoin world, these misunderstandings tend to occur when trying to make sense of […]

Bitcoin Vs. ICOs: Which Investment is Better?

Bitcoin Vs. ICOs: Which Investment is Better?

The price of bitcoin surged to new highs almost every week after it was announced that the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) are launching bitcoin futures contracts that allow institutional investors to bet on the price development of bitcoin. Boosted by new funds flowing […]

ICO Presale Best Practices: What Every Investor Should Know

ICO Presale Best Practices: What Every Investor Should Know

The majority of initial coin offerings that are being launched today are preceded by a so-called pre-sale. In this guide, you will discover what pre-sales are, what best practices for pre-sales are, and why investors should take a close look at them. What are ICO Pre-Sales? ICO pre-sales are usually […]

ICO Case Study: MedCredits, OneGram Differ In Risks and Potential

ICO Case Study: MedCredits, OneGram Differ In Risks and Potential

If you are a regular reader of the Bitcoin Market Journal blog, you are well familiar with the need to perform due diligence when considering an ICO investment. In this tale of two ICOs,  you will see how initial coin offerings vary greatly in terms of investment potential and risk. […]

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