
Starts: 12/15/18 Ends: 3/31/19

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Quick Summary

55 crypto investors read this
Encrybit made history moments creating massive surveys in cryptocurrency market with 12k+ responses from traders among 167 countries. Encrybit exchange is thought of traders where we are merging their demands in reality developing the secured and featured enriched trading platform that does not want to compromise the emotions of traders. Our research in cryptocurrency universe reveals that 40% cryptocurrency crowd is in insecure about the security of platform due to recent and past attacks and losses they faced. 36% still not able to figure out which exchange they prefer to trade on due to liquidity issues and its nightmare for them to transfer their assets from one to another exchange with heavy withdrawal fee. Customer support always plays vital role for successful business but though it’s found very less with cryptocurrency exchange where 37% traders in our surveys said that it’s taking way long to get query resolved on some of the exchanges and most of their queries are still remain unanswered after weeks and months.

Raised Amount Unreported: contact us to update this information

How to Invest

Please Read How to Invest in ICOs
Then see Encrybit Investment Instructions

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