Author: Alex Lielacher

Best Delegated Proof of Stake (dPoS) Coins, Rated and Reviewed

Best Delegated Proof of Stake (dPoS) Coins, Rated and Reviewed

A number of leading blockchain projects, including heavyweights EOS and Tron, have decided to use the relatively new delegated Proof of Stake (dPoS) consensus mechanism to secure their blockchains. In this guide, you will learn what delegated Proof of Stake is and find a list of the top seven most promising […]

Top Blockchain Cannabis Crypto Tokens, Rated and Reviewed

Top Blockchain Cannabis Crypto Tokens, Rated and Reviewed

With the recent wave of cannabis legalization for medical and recreational use, the legal cannabis industry has become a booming market. More and more cannabis businesses are popping up in cities where it is legal to buy and sell products based on the green plant. In this guide, you will […]

Bitcoin vs. the Top 10 Altcoins by Market Cap

Bitcoin vs. the Top 10 Altcoins by Market Cap

Bitcoin is the leading digital currency measured by market capitalization as well as value. At the time of writing, one bitcoin is worth over $11,000 and its market capitalization is over $200 billion. While bitcoin has managed to maintain its leadership position in the digital currency space, there are several […]

Blockchain Consultants: How Much Do They Charge?

Blockchain Consultants: How Much Do They Charge?

If you are looking to build a blockchain application, implement a distributed ledger-based solution, or launch a security token, you will need to hire blockchain consultants. Fortunately, there are a number of blockchain consultants and consultancy firms that you can employ to help your business with its blockchain needs. In […]

Top Altcoins by Daily Active Users

Top Altcoins by Daily Active Users

An insightful metric to review when analyzing the future potential of altcoins is to look at the daily active users of a digital coin or token. The idea behind this is that the more people who are using a digital currency on a daily basis, the higher its potential for […]

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC): What They Are and How They Work

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC): What They Are and How They Work

Following the success of decentralized digital currencies such as bitcoin and the development of fiat currency-backed stablecoin, central banks across the globe have started to research and trial so-called central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). In this guide, you will discover what central bank digital currencies are and what they may […]

How Brexit Affects the Price of Bitcoin: A Correlation Analysis

How Brexit Affects the Price of Bitcoin: A Correlation Analysis

When the United Kingdom made the decision to leave the European Union, commonly referred to as “Brexit,” the price of bitcoin soared against the British pound, which weakened substantially against all currencies as a result of the uncertainty pertaining to Britain leaving the EU. In the years to follow, the […]

How to Launch a Security Token: The Complete Guide

How to Launch a Security Token: The Complete Guide

Security tokens are one of the hottest new innovations in the blockchain industry. Advocates believe that they are poised to revamp the financial industry and turn every share, bond, and commodity into tokenized assets. Perhaps more impactful, however, is the role they could play in fundraising for startups and SMEs […]