
Starts: 1/1/18 Ends: 12/31/18

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Token Mechanics

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Quick Summary

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The Bulleon platform provides end-users with the everyday digital asset related services from a single place. This platform aims to provide the users with a wide range of services and instruments in order to conveniently satisfy all of the necessities that are required to navigate through the entire cryptocurrency world.


  • Solid buzz surrounding the Bulleon project. Awesome article written in Forbes about their plan to implement Bulleon as the all-in-one solution everyone must have.
  • User friendly debit card, P2P lending, and app help Bulleon live up to its “all-in-one” claims.
  • Token holders have voting rights and receive quarterly dividends.

  • Cons

  • Small, inexperienced team could hurt Bulleon in the long run.
  • Highly competitive market with a tiny market (at the moment).

  • The Team

    Bulleon's executive team includes:

    Vitaly Chizhov, co-founder and CEO. Prior to founding Bulleon, Chizhov worked in technical drawing.

    Golubeva Arina, co-founder and CMO. Arina appears to have a background in client relationship management.

    Alex Golubev, CTO. Golubev lacks a LinkedIn profile and his background is unclear.

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    Raised Amount Unreported: contact us to update this information

    How to Invest

    Please Read How to Invest in ICOs
    Then see Bulleon Investment Instructions

    Investment Information:

    • How to invest: In order to participate in the Bulleon ICO, register at the following link and follow the steps of the KYC process.
    • Discount: Bulleon has a unique ICO phase discount model that follows a 10 step process. The full description can be found on their website.
    • 1 BUL = 0.001 ETH
    • Token Supply: Max supply of 7,970,000 tokens
    • Soft Cap: No indication of soft cap
    • Hard Cap: 148,009 ETH
    • Eligibility: Citizens of the China may not participate.
    • Jurisdiction: Estonia
    • The one-time purchase is limited by 1000 BUL/per address.
    • Accept BTC and ETH as payment.

    Market: 3.5

    • Bulleon is targeting the crypto investors who see this digital currency and technology as the future. It’s a bit premature for a product like Bulleon, but if adoption continues it will be a valuable tool to have in managing your digital assets.
    • Bulleon will no doubt encounter other blockchain projects with the same goal and same “all-in-one” slogan. project s like MyCryptoBank and CryptoCurve are right on its heels.

    Competitive Advantage: 4.5

    • On top of offering an all-in-one digital cryptocurrency service that solves money transfer problems in terms of speed, security and extra costs, and the added value of a token exchange platform, they offer merchant services for e-commerce business.
    • Bulleon has an additional P2P lending feature that operates via the use of smart contracts.
    • Bulleon offering additional dividend opportunities to token holders will increase their attractiveness to investors.

    Team: 3

    • Team is inexperienced but strengthened by the quality of the Advisors.
    • The Bulleon team is smaller than the average blockchain startup, which is surprising considering all the features and solutions they’re planning to offer.
    • CEO, Vitaly Chizhov, has an entrepreneur/tech background, but does not impress with his past ventures.
    • Team Members

    • Vitaly Chizhov (LinkedIn)
    • Golubeva Arina (LinkedIn)
    • Anita Volk (LinkedIn)
    • Nathan Christian (LinkedIn)
    • Simon Cocking (LinkedIn)
    • Matti Vilola (LinkedIn)

    Token Mechanics: 4.5

    • Bulleon has their smart contract on their site, which is completely open source and free to explore.
    • 80% of surplus funds (ETH) will be distributed to the top 25% in total ownership percentage in relation to total surplus of funds. 40% of operating profit will be paid quarterly to the top 25% in total ownership percentage in relation to total operating profit of the whole company.
    • The Bulleon is a hybrid token; the token is both, a security and a cryptocurrency token. The sharing of dividends, profit-shares and voting rights to the owners of Bulleon was always part of their plan.

    User Adoption: 4

    • The users can withdraw all over the world using the Bulleon International Debit Card even in local currencies hence promoting its easy use.
    • Considering Bulleon did not launch a private or pre-sale, they have decent online buzz and social media following on their Telegram (17,000), Twitter (21,400), and LinkedIn (1,656).
    • Bulleon has also been featured on Forbes, Slush and Irish Tech News.
    • Bulleon offers a YouTube video to describe the core of its project, but it really doesn’t give the right impression nor the details that investors want to see.

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